Many of my clients are curious how they can protect their trademark in other countries. While there is no such thing as a "global' trademark", the closest option is to file a trademark application under the Madrid Protocol with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In such a manner, you would need to file only a single application and select which countries you are most interested in.
Currently, there are 124 countries worldwide that participate in the Madrid System and each country carries a separate filing fee (per class). Click here for a complete list of participating countries.
If you are interested in our assistance in preparing and filing a trademark application under the Madrid Protocol through WIPO, please fill out the intake form below.
We help clients obtain their disability benefits from Social Security Administration.
Mr. Herman has helped hundreds of clients protect and defend their brand identity.
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Protect against plagiarists and copycats by filing for U.S. copyright protection.
How much is your intellectual property worth? Find out by appraising your IP.
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