A great way to secure significant funding for a qualifying and meaningful endeavor.
The Department of Energy (DOE) and other government entities post bulletins advertising opportunities for small businesses to apply for a federal grant. However, the eligibility requirements are very specific. The first step is to learn about your endeavor, review the requirements, and advise you as to your eligibility to apply for the grant (typically 2-3 hours).
Assuming that you meet the basic eligibility requirements for the grant, the next step is to draft a thoughtful and persuasive Letter of Intent (or "LOI"), addressing each point that is requested in the topic description. This typically includes a technical abstract of your endeavor, a list of key personnel, and an outline of how the funding will be used, if the grant is awarded to your institution. Drafting the LOI typically requires 4-8 hours, depending on the complexity, plus another 1-2 hours to formally submit.
If your Letter of Intent is accepted, you will receive an invitation to submit a formal application to be considered for the grant. The third step is to complete the application, in its entirety, and submit it before the deadline. Completing the application can take 8-12 hours, depending on the complexity, plus another 1-2 hours to formally submit.
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